香港譜樂管弦樂協會 - 樂器教學, 音樂學校, 管弦樂團


Ng Ching Yee 伍靜儀 - Violin , Conductor


伍氏活躍於獨奏、室內樂和管弦樂團,曾經於香港及海外演出,包括澳門,深圳,北京 ,加拿大,澳洲等。伍氏經常為管弦樂團擔任小提琴獨奏,包括《譜樂秋季音樂會:鮑力卓的海頓大提琴協奏曲》《「譜」出夏日「樂」韻 午間音樂會》及 與澳洲坎培拉詹姆斯麥卡斯克合作擔任小提琴獨奏。




Ng Ching Yee graduated in Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, majoring in violin. She obtained her degree in music from Hong Kong Baptist University with first class honor. She was awarded scholarships for her outstanding academic and music performance, and continue study a master of degree.

Ng is a local soloist, chamber music and orchestra player. Ng has performed on different occasions and places, including Hong Kong, Macua, Shenzhen, Beijing, Canada and Australia. In October 2017, she was a soloist in the concert -HKPMO Autumn Concert: Richard Bamping plays Haydn Cello Concerto. In August 2018, she has performed as soloist at St John’s Cathedral Church with great success.

Apart from the rich performing experiences, Ng is an enthusiastic educator teaching in many primary and secondary schools for over 10 years. She is also a conductor for ensembles, String orchestra and Symphony orchestras. Furthermore, Ng is one of the founder of the Hong Kong Post-Modern Orchestra Association and the founder of the conductor of HKPMO Youth and Symphony Orchestra.

Ng has many years of commanding experience and studied conducting in Europe. Participated in masterclass conducted by maestro Alim Shakh, Martin Sieghart, James Judd, Charles Olivieri with performing concert with orchestra Moravian Philharmonic, South Czech Philharmonic, Bohemian Symphony Orchestra, Kalovy Vary Symphony, James McCusker Orchestra.

Apart from being a performer, Ng is also dedicated to music education. Under the leadership of Ng as a conductor, the member of orchestra have been given performance opportunities to bring their music to concert hall, not only Hong Kong but also to Austria and to Canada. The music exchanged tour has opened eyes and ears to a greater understating of music, and why there is such a strong focus on music education in HKPMO.