香港譜樂管弦樂協會 - 樂器教學, 音樂學校, 管弦樂團


HKPMO Autmun Concert 2017 Famous Cellist Richard Bamping Plays Haydn Cello Concerto

秋季音樂會2017 - 大提琴大師鮑力卓的海頓大提琴協奏曲

2017年10月1日(星期日) 晚上 8:00




香港譜樂管弦樂團及青年樂團將為大家獻上韋華弟四季小提琴協奏曲的《夏》及 邀請了大提琴大師鮑力卓先生演奏海頓大提琴第一協奏曲,此外更會演奏其他 精彩樂曲,包括:西班牙隨想曲、貝多芬第一交響曲第一樂章等,喜愛弦樂的你不容錯過。

Here comes the concert for Violin and Cello lovers!

Hong Kong Post-Modern Philharmonic Orchestra and Youth Orchestra is going to play Vivaldi Violin Concerto The Four Seasons Summer and Haydn Cello Concerto No.1 plays by famous Cellist Richard Bamping.

香港譜樂管弦樂團 指揮:李鍵麟先生

Hong Kong Post-Modern Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor:Mr.Lee Kin Lun,Rex

香港譜樂青年管弦樂團 指揮:伍靜儀小姐

Hong Kong Post-Modern Youth Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor:Ms.Ng Ching Yee Gisele

節目 Programme:

Rimsky Korsakov

  • Capriccio Espagnol
Patrick Doyle
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Symphony No.1 1st Movement
  • The Four season Summer (Violin Solo: Gisele Ng)
  • Cello Concerto No.1 in C Major (Cello Solo: Richard Bamping)

票價Price : $200

(全日制學生$120 Full time students $120) Discounted tickets available for full-time students

門票於快達票售票網公開發售: 位於香港會議展覽中心、香港演藝學院、香港演藝學院伯大尼古蹟校園、亞洲國際博覽館、九龍灣國際展貿中心、D.PARK愉景新城及K11 Select的售票處 ,以及遍佈全港的通利琴行

Tickets are now available from HK Ticketing's box offices located at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, HKAPA Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus, AsiaWorld-Expo, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, D・PARK and K11 Select, as well as Tom Lee Music Stores l

購票熱線 Ticket Purcase Hotline: 31 288 288

網上購票 Internet


HK Ticketing applies a customer service fee to all tickets purchased via its network. The fee is additional to the face value of the ticket and is payable upon purchase of tickets


Programme and artists are subject to change

大提琴 Cello- 鮑力卓 Richard Bamping

鮑力卓生於英國曼徹斯特,畢業於倫敦 Guildhall School Of Music,自1993年起擔任港樂的大提琴首席。他曾與多位傑出的音樂家同台表演,包括曼紐因爵士、卡華高斯、羅斯托波維奇、朱利尼、格爾吉耶夫、伯恩斯坦、馬捷爾、戴維斯爵士和阿巴度等等。鮑力卓曾與遠東至歐洲的樂團合演過多首重要的大提琴獨奏作品,他亦熱衷於室樂作品,有機會便經常與朋友和樂團同事合奏。


Richard Bamping has been the Principal Cellist of the HK Phil since 1993. He has performed with many of the finest musicians of recent history—Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Leonidas Kavakos, Mstislav Rostropovich, Carlo Maria Guilini, Valery Gergiev, Leonard Bernstein, Lorin Maazel, Sir Colin Davis and Claudio Abbado, to name but a few.

Bamping has performed many of the staples of the solo cello repertoire with orchestras from Europe to the Far East. He has a great passion for playing chamber music with friends and colleagues whenever he gets the chance.

Bamping's cello, dated 1674 was made in Cremona by Andrea Guarneri and is one of only nine surviving examples of his work.

有關 Richard Bamping 的詳細資料


Programme and artists are subject to change